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Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programm (BIP): "Vienna Experience: Vienna and its musical tradition and Folk Music"

Short description


The BIP "Vienna Experience: Vienna and its musical tradition and Folk Music" is primarily intended to promote international exchange and networking among music students and sensitise them to Vienna's musical traditions.


With the "Vienna Experience: Vienna and its musical tradition and Folk Music", the first Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme was implemented at the mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in May 2023. Teachers from the Joseph Haydn Institute for Chamber Music and New Music have devised a unique project to create an immersive musical experience for students from partner universities in The Hague (Royal Conservatoire Den Haag), Paris (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Music et de Danse de Paris), Oslo (The Norwegian Academy of Music) and Budapest (Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music) with a focus on Vienna's rich musical traditions and folk music roots.


With 16 students from the partner universities in Paris, Oslo, Budapest and The Hague, as well as 10 mdw students, several chamber music works with a Viennese focus were developed. Two compulsory, intensive online meetings were organised in advance with all those involved (students and teachers). The first virtual component was primarily a general introduction to the project, as well as a discussion about the content (selection of composers and pieces including historical and cultural background). This meeting gave the participants an overview of the course structure and offered them the opportunity to get to know each other. Each of the teachers involved presented their teaching focus and their contribution to the project. During the second virtual meeting, the students exchanged ideas based on the information given at the first meeting and the ensemble combinations for the intensive working days were discussed and finalised. On site in Vienna, the students were divided into different ensemble combinations and were thus able to make music in more than 15 different joint formations. The diverse musical influences and backgrounds of the pieces were illuminated in lectures, and in addition to the mdw teachers, external experts in Viennese song and Viennese folk music were also invited for workshops. In particular, the collaboration with the "Wiener Concert Schrammeln" and the "Tanzhausgeiger" was a unique experience for the participants. To further deepen their knowledge and get a feeling for Vienna, visits to folk music performances (Wiener Lied Konzerte) and short excursions (including the Central Cemetery, Beethovengang and Beethoven Museum) were also organised. Finally, some of the pieces were performed in various ensemble formations at a Viennese wine tavern.


Bringing together such an international group of students from different European universities has undoubtedly made an important contribution to promoting the intercultural competence of the participants, which is eminently important not only for the artistic development of the students, but also for society as a whole, in order to strengthen mutual understanding and co-operation. The most significant added value for the participating students was undoubtedly the new understanding and feeling for the musical history and tradition of Vienna acquired through the project, which now enables the participants to develop their own musical interpretations at a much higher level than before the project.

Lessons learned

The format of the blended intensive programme met with consistently positive feedback from both students and teachers. Using the virtual component before the mobility period to share essential introductory information about the project and discuss ensemble combinations proved to be very useful and practicable. This gave the students and teachers the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas, immerse themselves directly in the intensive "Vienna Experience" and experience the idea behind the new programme format.

Contact person(s) for questions and exchange of experience

Bojana Tesan,tesan@mdw.ac.at

Further links to the manual


 HMIS 2030

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